The survival course program for children at the "Pleme" school differs significantly from winter and summer camps of other schools in Bulgaria.
+ We work according to a unique proprietary methodology developed by our school.
+ Our instructor has 20 years of experience and higher pedagogical education.
+ Although some of our classes are conducted in a game-like format, we focus on education, and it's imperative to us that children gain knowledge and experience that will help them in life, rather than just occupying their time with games.
+ Our groups do not exceed 6 people, and there are many advantages to this:
*Your child will receive more attention from the instructor.
*Your child doesn't have to wait hours for their turn in activities such as: Zip-line, Rope bridge, rock climbing, archery, and other activities.
*In a small group, the child is better controlled and educated.
*Individual approach to children.
The 5-day program includes:
+Basic survival skills:
*Terrain orientation
*Ability to make a fire in any weather conditions
*Fire safety (при пълен контрол от инструктор и спазване на противопожарна безопасност и наредби свързани с нея)
*Water extraction and filtration
*Simple techniques for transporting an injured person
*Shelter construction
*Food procurement
*Lecture on the dangers in the mountains
+Rope course
+Rock climbing
+Rope bridge across the river
+Overcoming obstacles and difficult slopes
+Tarzan swing
+Basic methods of setting up a tarp and tent
Children from 8 to 12 years old
Teenagers from 13 to 17 years old
1-day program 120 BGN
5-day program 500 BGN
4-day program 440 BGN (only 31.10-03.11)
Duration from 8.30 to 17.00
For now, the course is held in the cities of Sofia
For children from Sofia, the course is held on Vitosha, Rila, Zapadna Stara planina, Plana planina, Lozenska planina.
The location of the course depends on the weather conditions.
With an already-formed group, the course can be held throughout the country.
*The price includes: transport, instructor, equipment
*The price does not include: food

Study of local flora and fauna
Getting to know nature has many benefits for a child's development.
During our basic wilderness survival course for kids, we teach about the flora and fauna around us.
For example, what plants can be used for disinfection and wound healing, what can and cannot be eaten.
Our children learn to be in harmony with nature without harming it.
We teach children to treat nature with care, to appreciate and respect it.
Terrain orientation
Terrain orientation lessons are an important life skill.
The lessons are conducted in a game-like format, which becomes both an interesting adventure for the child and training in logic and memory.
When children learn to navigate in nature, they develop a sense of how to move properly in space, find ways to mark and remember information about the environment, increasing both the strength and flexibility of their memory.
The ability to move competently also opens up more opportunities for developing skills such as leadership and independence

Ability to make a fire in any weather conditions
In our courses, we teach children how to properly make a fire, following safety rules, as well as caring for the environment.
Children study types of fires and learn to build a fire themselves.
They learn how and where to collect suitable material without harming the environment, depending on the area where they are.
They learn to use a magnesium lighter and much more.
Water extraction and filtration
Water extraction and purification are basic survival knowledge included in our course.
We teach various methods of water purification.
We make our own filter from improvised means, which we use to clean dirty water.

Simple techniques for transporting an injured person
What to do if a friend is injured and cannot move on their own?
How to deliver them to a place where they will receive medical help?
Children learn to build stretchers from improvised means.
They study types of transportation for the injured depending on the injury and condition.
They improvise and try in practice to save one of the group members.
Shelter construction
Shelter construction usually takes place in the forest using improvised materials.
We teach children to find the right places for their shelters.
We teach them to take care of nature and find materials without disturbing the balance of the ecosystem.
We teach how to properly build the structure and properly insulate it.

Тук децата се учат да разпознават горските плодове и ядливи растения,както и да избягват непознати и отровни растения и техните плодове.
В какви терени виреят и могат да се открият ядливи горски плодове.Също се запознаваме с ядливи мекотели и ракообразни и начина им на живот.
Natural obstacles on the route and ways to overcome them
Depending on the terrain of your route, obstacles may arise that require knowledge, skills, and the use of equipment to overcome.
Rivers and streams are characteristic natural barriers to movement in both mountainous and flat terrain.
Overcoming mountain streams and rivers presents a particular technical challenge, where special movement and safety techniques often need to be applied.
We talk about different techniques and try in practice to overcome obstacles, fight fears, properly use rope, carabiner, tie the right knot, and other techniques in practice.

Difficult slopes. Use of rope.
Important exercises for the child that physically prepare them to overcome difficulties by increasing endurance, improving coordination of movement.
Zip line
We teach our students how to use alpine equipment and build an alpine trolley to cross deep canyons and rivers.
This method can be used to lower both people and heavy items. Plus, children love this part of the course because it's also an attraction for them.

Rope bridge across the river:
A very useful test for children, where they learn self-control, courage, and concentration.
Rock climbing:
Rock climbing skills will not only help to overcome a difficult route but will also help to correctly calculate and distribute the load, as well as choose the optimal path.
Climbing develops agility, endurance, coordination of movements, and also strengthens the muscular corset of the back and abdomen.
In addition to physical skills, children become more decisive and purposeful and also increase their level of logical thinking.

Rope course:
Why we conduct a rope course and why it is very important?
Ropes and knots have a very wide range of applications and can be very useful in survival situations. Here are some applications of ropes and knots.
- Ensuring safety when crossing difficult terrain.
- Construction of rope bridges and alpine trolleys when
crossing deep canyons
- Building a bivouac, building a shelter, setting up tents and awnings
- Making improvised stretchers for carrying the wounded.
- Transportation of cargo and loads
A properly tied knot can save someone's life.
Archery develops thinking and awareness.
While training, the archer learns concentration, learns to control emotions, judiciously analyzes them, and learns from their mistakes.
An archer needs not only physical strength but also psychological endurance.

Basic methods of setting up a tarp and tent
In our course, we teach different ways of setting up a tarp in nature.
What are the basic rules of installation, considering the goals and timing of tarp installation.
What needs to be done before putting up a tent.
Why studying the terrain is one of the first and main stages of setting up a tarp or tent. Basic methods of tent installation. Where not to put a tent.
And much more children will learn in our course and of course, they will check everything themselves in practice.
At the end of the week, we let the children prepare food for themselves on the fire.
They'll already know how to make a fire, and they'll do it themselves.
We teach children how to properly and safely cook food on a fire. And believe us, it's not that simple and not all adults know how to do it.

Децата се запознават със субективните и обективните опасности в планината и как да се справят с тях.
Your children will be able to truly challenge themselves and gain invaluable knowledge and survival skills in the wild.